Ash Lodge Feedback

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Staff Feedback

My work place has a good team at the moment and the manager always communicates this at staff meetings and encourages us. New ways of improving our clients lives are always prompted and when this happens we are all happy.

My manager is amazing! She goes above and beyond for all staff and service users!

I am happy working with the people I work with and in my work place.

The training offered is very relevant to development of the staff as it helps them in bringing the taught content to practical application.

Client Feedback

I feel happy and like were i live.

I like staff.

We have keyworkers at Ash Lodge to help us.

I like everything about Ash Lodge.

I don't like the meals with turnip so staff give me ravioli.

Staff sit with me when i feel scared and make me feel safe.

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Feedback regarding the experience

Have visited Ash Lodge only once to take my client there on day 1, therefore “don’t knows” above reflect this and not any indication of concerns. Since then however, have spoken to staff on 3 occasions and my client on 2 occasions, and have nothing but praise for the staff from our service and my client.

Very clear that there is a very client centred approach to care. Likewise clear that Ash Lodge staff continue to ask questions and pursue answers to any health or social care concerns they have on client’s behalf, and clearly know how and when to access the appropriate input required.

Staff likewise show a good understanding of communication difficulties faced by clients with more difficult to manage behaviours, and work effectively to manage this for the benefit of the clients. This is in direct contrast to numerous other health and social care services, where my client has been repeatedly discharged with no further intervention, leading to severe levels of self neglect.

Not sure if it’s useful to know or not, but since moving into Ash Lodge there has been a significant reduction (total cessation in case of ambulance and A&E) in calls to NHS 111, ambulance, A&E visits and calls to mental health crisis support on the part of our client, which reflects a significant improvement in health and social measures for them.

NHS Professional (Mental Health Nurse)